Liquid strength, buried truth
Geneva, 07.22
7/22/20242 min read

Hush, be quiet, do you hear it?
There is a tingling
Listen closer
What is it saying?
As you sort through the frenzy
The clash and bang
The directed chafes and changs
The structured walls
The determined walks
The secured rational thoughts
As you sort through the rage
The expression
Of the crave
The attempts
To chase
You meet her again,
The soft voice, the hand that holds you,
She who waits, patiently, softly
She who always waits,
On the other side,
For you to make your way
She is there when you need
She accepts you as you are,
Not trying to please
Not trying
She lets you be
Child, man,
Broken, complete
She listens to your itches, your tingling
Your sadness, your rage
Your desires, your pride
Your wounds, your trophies,
Your truths, your lies
You speak and you speak
tirelessly, you speak
Eager, you speak
You speak your vision, you speak your pride
You speak your sorrows, and all that which does not satisfy
Your speak and you speak,
Until you look into her eyes
Then you take a deep breath,
And really look into her eyes
The voices fade, the curtains rise
Skin to skin
The touch satisfies
You move towards her
Not the you who spoke,
But the you inside,
The you who do not yet have a voice
But knows how to move,
As a bird knows to fly
You move, as the heart tells you to,
Your smell the sweat in her body,
Her truth, evaporating out, from her skin
They drip, onto your body,
As you flow
Across each other, above each other, below each other
Moving so slow you almost cannot notice,
The touch so soft you don’t know when it happened,
You touch
A water is dropped into the pond
And ripples
Rippling out
From your finger, to your arms, to your torso, to your body
You are in the water, a new place,
Fascinated, enamoured, excited, and scared
She holds you, steadily,
She guides you, with grace
She blows wind to your skin
Every inch of your skin
She blows away the fragments, the debris,
The chatter, the noise
All that which lingers,
Blown away with ease
She guides your hand to her face
And you touch,
Her face
The hills and valleys,
A beautiful landscape,
The color and vibrancy
The age, the seasons, the wind, and the sea
You move again,
Shifting positions, shifting directions,
You becoming her
Her becoming you
Both becoming the sea
She touches your face
And you nudge it, you suck it, you greet it
The way a tiger cub greets her mother
Softly, vulnerably, playfully,
The strength is not displayed, here
The hunt is not happening, here
We are at a standstill
A moment of pure repose,
Breath, recharge, nurture, exchange, love, exploration
There is another time,
Another place
Where the strength will be shown,
The muscles will be stretched,
The songs will be sung,
The hunt will be done
But here,
You can take a pause,
And listen carefully,
Then you will find her,
Waiting for you,
Little cub,
With ease, with love, with grace